ACM Open
ACM has made a commitment to become a fully sustainable and Plan S compliant Open Access scholarly publisher within approximately five years. Key to this transition is our ACM Open program, which allows authors at participating institutions unlimited Open Access publication and unlimited Read Access for a fixed annual price. ACM’s Open Access pricing is set based on a transparent review of our publication finances. Click here to read our article in CACM on this topic.

Plan S
ACM is pleased to announce that authors receiving research grants from Coalition S funders and supporters will be compliant with Plan S requirements as of January 2021 when publishing their research articles with ACM. Please click the link above for more details.

Author Rights Management for Open Access Publications
Whether an accepted author chooses to publish their work Open Access in an ACM Hybrid Open Access title or in a pure Gold Open Access title, they will all be able to choose any level of rights ownership and management they prefer. These options include granting ACM a non-exclusive license, an exclusive license, or a full copyright transfer.

Types of Open Access Offered

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