Communications of the ACM
ACM’s monthly flagship publication covers all disciplines and technologies within the computing field and is read by ACM members worldwide.

ACM Queue
This bi-monthly online magazine focuses on technical issues and emerging technologies of great interest to practicing software engineers.

ACM Interactions
This bi-monthly magazine covers technologies, research, and real-world practices in the disciplines that encompass human-computer interaction.

XRDS: The ACM Magazine for Students
A quarterly magazine produced by students for students covering cutting-edge research that stimulates, informs, and educates future computer scientists.

ACM Inroads
A quarterly magazine written by computing educators for computing educators worldwide, sharing experiences and insights in teaching practices.

An online magazine advancing e-learning innovations, applications, and policy ideas to move the global conversation forward.

This online magazine is devoted to the future of computing and the people who are creating it, and seeks the perspectives of those in other fields impacted by computing.