Overview for Inroads
The following resources provide existing and prospective authors with the information they need to define, compose, and submit an article for Inroads, ACM's magazine for professionals interested in advancing computing education on a global scale.
Author Guidelines and Submission Information
Authors must submit manuscripts to the ACM Inroads portal: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/inroads. At the home page under “Resources” / “Instructions & Forms” you will find the submission instructions, a submission template, and a reviewer scorecard that specifies the criteria by which reviewers judge articles. Manuscripts not conforming to the specified template and instructions will be returned to the author.
Information Regarding Policy, Rights, and Permissions
- Review ACM's Publishing Policy for information covering the transfer and publishing license agreements and permissions.
- Read our information regarding Third-Party Material for information on requesting permissions, attribution requirements, completing the copyright form, as well as other useful information.
- Review ACM's Author Rights for information regarding authors' rights management and Open Access options.
New Options for ACM Authors to Manage Rights and Permissions
Changes expand access to Special Interest Group conference proceedings. ACM offers flexible options that fit computing researchers' individual needs.