Overview for Interactions
The following resources provide existing and prospective authors with the information they need to define, compose, and submit an article for Interactions, the flagship magazine for the ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), with a global circulation that includes all SIGCHI members.
Author Guidelines and Submission Information
Potential authors are encouraged to submit articles for the print publication and blogposts for the website. For submission guidelines, view the submission section of the website to view the specific information on the sections of IX that an author wishes to submit to. A submission form should be completed and submitted along with a manuscript draft. See the submission section of the website for links to the forms that correspond with each editorial option. Send your ideas and submissions to [email protected].
Submission Checklist
A complete submission to ACM Interactions should contain the following:
- A Word document (minimally formatted text and graphics) that includes a short, crisp working title or headline, and a standard byline: author name, affiliation, email address.
- Separate graphics files in JPEG or TIFF format (at least 300 DPI/1200 px with copyright clearance).
- A brief author biography (50-word maximum) for each author listed in the byline. A bio generally includes the author’s current affiliation and his/her research interests.
Authors are strongly encourages to supply photos, illustrations, or illustrative concepts along with their manuscripts. All images must be supplied in-line so that placement near associated text is clear, and as separate files. All images must be in JPEG or TIFF format and at least 300 DPI (and ideally at least 4800 pixels wide) with copyright clearance for use in the magazine.
Information Regarding Policy, Rights, and Permissions
- Review ACM's Publishing Policy for information covering the transfer and publishing license agreements and permissions.
- Read our information regarding Third-Party Material for information on requesting permissions, attribution requirements, completing the copyright form, as well as other useful information.
- Review ACM's Author Rights for information regarding authors' rights management and Open Access options.
Editing and Review Process Information
Articles go through several rounds of editing: first with the magazines editors-in-chief and forum editors for relevance, clarity, and groundedness and then with ACM’s managing editor and copy editor for grammar, punctuation, and length. ACM staff will send authors the copyedited version for their review. Once they have approved the copyedited version, authors will not review the copy again. Authors may be asked to review any redrawn figures. Authors will not receive page proofs or final pdfs.
Contact Us
Authors with feedback or questions about submissions not answered by the submission section of the website are encouraged to contact the managing editor, John Stanik at [email protected].
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ACM Interactions Welcomes Rosner, Taylor and Wiberg as New Co-Editors-in-Chief
ACM Interactions welcomes Daniela Rosner, Alex Taylor, and Mikael Wiberg as new Co-Editors-in-Chief, for the term October 1, 2019 to October 1, 2022. Daniela is an Associate Professor of Human-centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. Alex is a Reader in the Centre for HCI Design at City University of London. Mikael is a Professor in the Department of Informatics at Umeå University.
New Options for ACM Authors to Manage Rights and Permissions
Changes expand access to Special Interest Group conference proceedings. ACM offers flexible options that fit computing researchers' individual needs.